OpenDashDataContext Class

Is available to data adapters.



Same as $data.get(). Returns an instance of OpenDashDataItem.

To set a new value to an item, use this method.

ctx.get('').set('value', {
  date: 1483225200000, // Unix millisecond timestamp.
  value: 'Some value', // Depending on item type.

OpenDashDataContext.create(payload: Object)

Create a new OpenDashDataItem and save it in the data adapter.


The parameter should be and object will the following properties:

  • id: Unique identifier of the item.
  • name: Name of the item.
  • icon: (Optional) Path to the icon of the item.
  • meta: (Optional) Object of meta information about the item.
  • parent: (Optional) ID of the parent item.
  • value: (Optional) Value Object for the current value.
  • valueTypes: Array representing the types of the value.
  valueTypes: [
      name: 'Display Name',
      type: 'Number', // One of the following Strings: Number, String, Boolean, Geo, Object

OpenDashDataContext.createContainer(payload: Object)

Create a new OpenDashDataContainer and save it in the data adapter.


The parameter should be and object will the following properties:

  • id: Unique identifier of the container.
  • name: Name of the container.
  • icon: (Optional) Path to the icon of the container.
  • meta: (Optional) Object of meta information about the container.
  • parent: (Optional) ID of the parent container.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""