OpenDashDataItem Class

Instances of OpenDashDataItem will be returned by the $data service.


Use the $data service to get an instance of OpenDashDataItem. In the following example item will be an OpenDashDataItem.


class controller {

  static get $inject() { return ['opendash/services/data']; }

  constructor($data) {
    let item = $data.get('');


  • id: Unique identifier of the item.
  • name: Name of the item.
  • icon: Path to the icon of the item.
  • meta: Object of meta information about the item.
  • parent: ID of the parent item or null.
  • value: Value Object for the current value or null if there is no current value available.
  • valueTypes: Array representing the types of the value.


Returns the current value of the item.



Returns an Object with two keys: date and value. Where date is a unix millisecond timestamp and value is depending on the type of the item.

  date: 1483225200000, // unix millisecond timestamp
  value: [10], // depending on item.valueTypes


Returns the current value of the item.

Returns an Array of Objects which have two properties:

  • name: Name of the value, which will be displayed in the dashboard.
  • type: Type of the value, which must be one of the following Strings: Number, String, Boolean, Geo, Object

// =>

    name: 'Display Name',
    type: 'Number', // One of the following Strings: Number, String, Boolean, Geo, Object


OpenDashDataItem.isParent(input: OpenDashDataContainer)

Returns true or false wether the input container is a direct or indirect parent of the item.

OpenDashDataItem.history(options: Object)

Returns historical values of the item.


options: Object with options to request data between two dates by using options.start and options.end or between now and a given date by using options.since or options.value and options.unit.

Aggregation: options.aggregation:

options.aggregation must have one of the following values:

  • String: a 'year' (shortcut: 'y', 'years')
  • String: a 'quarter' (shortcut: 'Q', 'quarters')
  • String: a 'month' (shortcut: 'M', 'months')
  • String: a 'week' (shortcut: 'w', 'weeks')
  • String: a 'day' (shortcut: 'd', 'days')
  • String: a 'hour' (shortcut: 'h', 'hours')
  • String: a 'minute' (shortcut: 'm', 'minutes')
  • String: a 'second' (shortcut: 's', 'seconds')
  • String: a 'millisecond' (shortcut: 'ms', 'milliseconds')
  • Number: Aggregation in milliseconds.

Using options.start and options.end:

Both values must be momentjs objects or values which will be accepted by the momentjs constructor.

let promise = item.history({
  'aggregation': 0,
  'start': moment(),
  'end': moment(),

With options.since:

options.since must be momentjs objects or values which will be accepted by the momentjs constructor.

let promise = item.history({
  'aggregation': 0,
  'since': moment(),

With options.value und options.unit:

options.value and options.unit will be used in moment().subtract(options.value, options.unit) and will be saved in options.since.

let promise = item.history({
  'aggregation': 0,
  'value': 100,
  'unit': 'hours',


A Promise will be returned, which resolves to an array of values.

let promise = item.history({
  // ...

promise.then(values => {
  // =>
  values = [
      'date': 1483225200000, // unix millisecond timestamp.
      'value': [10], // depending on item.valueTypes

promise.then(null, err => {
  // Error handling.
}); Function)

Use the watch method to register a callback which will be called whenever a value changes.


callback: Function which will be called, whenever the item changes.

The callback will be called with three parameters: key, newValue and oldValue.

Example, newValue, oldValue) => {
  if(key === 'value') {
    console.log(`Value changed from ${oldValue} to ${newValue}`);


No response.

OpenDashDataItem.liveValues(callback: Function)

Use the liveValues method to register a callback which will be called when the value changes. If there is a value when the method is called, the callback will be called immediately.


callback: Function which will be called, when a value changes.

The callback will be called with a single parameter: value.


item.liveValues((value) => {
  console.log(`Value of ${} currently is ${value}`);


No response.

OpenDashDataItem.set(key: String, value: Any, save: Boolean, saveForUser: Boolean)

Set a new value for a given property.


  • key: Key which identifies the property which will be changed.
  • value: The new value.
  • save: Wether the value will be send to the data adapter or not. Set save to true to send the value to the adapter.
  • saveForUser Wether the value will be saved in the user adaper or not.

If save is set to true, the value will not be changed in the item itself, but will be send to the adapter. If it's set to false it will be saved to the item without notifying the adapter.

If saveForUser is set to true, the value will be changed in the item and it will be send to the user adapter. The user adapter will remember the overwritten value and load it the next the user opens open.DASH.

Adapters can use this method to set new values to the item like this:

item.set('value', {
  date: 1483225200000, // Unix millisecond timestamp
  value: ['Some value'], // Depending on item.valueType.


A Promise will be returned, which will resolve without a value, if the set operation was successfull or reject with an error message.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""