OpenDashDataQuery Class

Instances of OpenDashDataQuery will be returned by the $data service. Use the query object to recive a custom list of items from the $data service.


Use the $data service to get an instance of OpenDashDataQuery.


class controller {

  static get $inject() { return ['opendash/services/data']; }

  constructor($data) {
    let query = $data.query();
    let result =;


OpenDashDataQuery.filter(func: Function)

Modifies the result: The input Function will be called on each element in the result. When the Function returns true for an element, it will be returned.

Returns the OpenDashDataQuery instance.

OpenDashDataQuery.union(input: Array)

Modifies the result: Elements from the result and the input Array will be returned.

Returns the OpenDashDataQuery instance.

OpenDashDataQuery.intersection(input: Array)

Modifies the result: Only Elements which are both in the result and the input Array will be returned.

Returns the OpenDashDataQuery instance.

OpenDashDataQuery.difference(input: Array)

Modifies the result: Only Elements from the result which not in the input Array will be returned.

Returns the OpenDashDataQuery instance.


Modifies the result: Only Elements without parent will be returned.

Returns the OpenDashDataQuery instance.


Modifies the result: Only instances of OpenDashDataContainer will be returned.

Returns the OpenDashDataQuery instance.


Modifies the result: Only instances of OpenDashDataItem will be returned.

Returns the OpenDashDataQuery instance.

Returns the result set, an Array containing all instances of OpenDashDataItem and OpenDashDataContainer matching the query.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""