Whats a widget in open.DASH?

being a dashboard, open.DASH allows you to visualize data in most different ways, just according to your needs and allows you to add new ways of displaying information. For this, we use widgets. Widgets are like tiles on your dashboard and can be programmed to both use the items and data provided by the adapter, and rely on external information, libraries etc. from the web.


Creating Widgets using the CLI

Creating a widget is as easy as creating an instance. To create a widget use the same opendash init command but as the template select widget: opendash init widget

> opendash init widget
  open.DASH CLI v1.0.4
  ? Pick a name: example
  ? Author Name: My Name
  ? Author Email: my.name@example.com
  Starting download of template 'widget' into './opendash-widget-example'...
  Download of 'widget' finished.
  Initialization of 'example' finished.

Go ahead and customize the widget the way you want. If you want to learn more about widgets, check out the Widget Guide.

About the Widget template

This template is meant to be an easy way to start a new widget with an opinionated approach. It's written in ES6 Javascript, uses ES6 classes and template strings will be loaded from files. The widget uses two SCSS files for styling, which will also be loaded automatically. The widget is build to be a node_module, so the widget name is taken from the package.json file.

Directory structure

├── src/
│   ├── widget/
│   │   ├── widget.controller.js
│   │   ├── widget.template.html
│   │   └── widget.scss
│   ├── settings/
│   │   ├── settings.controller.js
│   │   ├── settings.template.html
│   │   └── settings.scss
│   ├── assets/
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── index.js
│   └── presets.js
├── README.md
└── package.json

Linking widgets for development.

For development it's a good idea to use the npm link command.

Why? Widgets built using the CLI should be installed by npm but you don't want to hit npm update each time you make a change to a widget. Linking the widget creates a symlink in your node_modules folder, so your widgets will allways be up to date.

Sometimes there is another problem: Sometimes you can't simply publish your widgets to npm. Our approach is to keep them in a seperate folder, next to the instance.

├── instance/
└── widgets/
    ├── opendash-widget-example/
    └── opendash-widget-another-example/

In the package.json of our instance we saved the widgets as local dependencies, which are marked with the prefix file:

  "dependencies": {
    "opendash-widget-example": "file:../widgets/opendash-widget-example",
    "opendash-widget-another-example": "file:../widgets/opendash-widget-another-example"

When we got more and more widgets we found the package linklocal very usefull. Install it as a dev dependency by running npm i -D linklocal and add a npm post install script like this in the package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "linklocal"

Now when you run npm install, all your local dependencies should be linked automatically. If this doesn't work for you, give the script a diffrent name and run it manually.

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