Event Service (opendash/services/event)

The event services allows you to:

  • Emit events
  • Handle built in events
  • Handle custom events



Use the Event Service by injecting opendash/services/event as an Angular Service. We suggest using $event as a name for the variable.


class controller {

  static get $inject() { return ['opendash/services/event']; }

  constructor($event) {
    // ...

Properties & Methods

$event.on(event: String, callback: Function)

Adds an event listener for the given event, which will be called every time a the event is fired.


$event.on('od-dashboard-ready', () => {
  // do something every time


No return.

$event.on(events: Array, callback: Function)

$event.on(events, callback);

// is the same as:

events.forEach(event => {
  $event.on(event, callback);

$event.once(event: String, callback: Function)

Adds an event listener for the given event, which will be called when the event is fired the next time.


$event.once('od-dashboard-ready', () => {
  // do something once


No return.

$event.once(events: Array, callback: Function)

$event.once(events, callback);

// is the same as:

events.forEach(event => {
  $event.once(event, callback);

$event.emit(event: String)

Calls each registered event listener with the given name.

$event.emit(event: Array)


// is the same as:

events.forEach(event => {

Core Events

A list of events, which will be emitted by the core of open.DASH.

  • "od-dashboard-ready" Event: Will be fired, when the dashboard service is ready.

  • "od-dashboard-changed" Event: Will be fired, when the dashboard changes.

  • "od-dashboard-save" Event: Will be fired, when the dashboard is saved to the user adapter.

  • "od-widgets-changed" Event: Will be fired, when a widget changes

  • "od-widgets-added" Event: Will be fired, when a widget was added to the dashboard.

  • "od-widgets-removed" Event: Will be fired, when a widget was removed from the dashboard.

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